
White shooter of Kenyan poacher freed

NAIROBI, Kenya, Oct. 25 (UPI) -- A member of a prominent white settler family in Kenya has been released from prison five months after he was found guilty of killing a poacher.

Thomas Cholmondeley was given a remission of one-third of his sentence for good behavior, The Sydney Morning Herald reported. He had already spent three years behind bars before he went on trial.


Cholmondeley admitted shooting Robert Njoya when he saw a group of poachers on his estate in the Rift Valley. He changed his story after he was charged with murder and said a guest was the actual shooter.

The judge in the case dismissed that story. But he then downgraded the charges and gave Cholmondeley a lesser sentence, citing his attempts to treat Njoya's injuries and to get him to a hospital.

A year before the 2006 shooting, Cholmondeley killed an undercover game warden and escaped trial.

Cholmondeley is a fourth-generation Kenyan. His great-grandfather, Hugh Cholmondeley, Third Baron Delamere, emigrated to Kenya from England more than a century ago, becoming a political and social leader in the colony. And the family stayed after the country became independent.


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