
Westboro Baptist Church targets tech companies

In an announcement released Friday, the Westboro Baptist Church said it would start their new crusade with protests across Silicon Valley on August 12.

By Aileen Graef

TOPEKA, Kan., July 31 (UPI) -- The Westboro Baptist Church has decided to target tech companies with protests on its "God hates the media" tour.

The group, known for picketing funerals of soldiers and anti-gay protests, is now moving to stop the spread of "wicked political propaganda" through social media sites. In an announcement released Friday, the church said it would start a new crusade protesting across Silicon Valley on August 12. It plans to stage protests in front of Facebook, Google, Apple, Skype, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Reddit.


"God hates the media; in all its forms. God did not set these social media networks in place to facilitate perverts pursuing their divers [sic] filth; nor do they exist for paedophile [sic] grooming, spreading sodomite agenda, other wicked political propaganda or propagating mountains of false doctrine. On the contrary, all these media platforms have one purpose; to spread the gospel far and wide. Though you labour in vain to demonize and stop the words we speak; you only succeed causing more people to see, hear and be convicted."

In a statement against Apple, the church said Steve Jobs was a "rich, proud fool who now inhabits hell." The group insinuated that Jobs' cancer diagnosis was a warning from God to repent for deviating from his God-given purpose to make Apple products solely so WBC members could spread their message.


In the announcement for its Reddit protest, which slams Aaaron Shwartz for being "sodomite," the group added that it will host a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) on August 10 at 3 p.m. EST.

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