
Sarah Palin: 'Illegal aliens' receive better healthcare than the troops

The former Alaska governor made her remark while speaking with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

By Evan Bleier
Sarah Palin slammed President Obama's recent speech at West Point, and said he is an unreliable commander-in-chief. (File/UPI/Molly Riley)
Sarah Palin slammed President Obama's recent speech at West Point, and said he is an unreliable commander-in-chief. (File/UPI/Molly Riley) | License Photo

NEW ORLEANS, May 30 (UPI) -- Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin sat down with Fox News host Sean Hannity at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans on Thursday to talk about the Veterans Affairs scandal and President Barack Obama.

While speaking with Hannity, Palin slammed President Obama for his handling of military policy and also implied that the country is weak under his leadership.


"I think there's a lack of understanding on our commander-in-chief's part about what the mission of the military is, and why it is that we owe a debt of gratitude that's manifested in benefits paid to those who've already earned them," Palin said. "It's not that we are weak as a country, but we are so unreliable now, under Obama."

Hannity then asked her if the VA is a "death panel" for veterans.

"That is what government-run health care will result in," Palin answered. "In many respects, illegal aliens in our country today are receiving better health care, more benefits than some of our troops."

Palin added that, "Our commander-in-chief is in charge of this ultimately."


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