
Palin says U.S. should 'bomb Obamacare,' not Syria

WASHINGTON, Sept. 11 (UPI) -- 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin says the United States should forget about Syria and "bomb Obamacare."

Palin posted a video Monday on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter that included clips dating back to her assault on "death panels," Politico reported.


"Enough of this foreign fiasco distraction," she said in an introductory message. "Get back to work. It is time to bomb Obamacare."

Palin, who resigned as governor of Alaska in July 2009, eight months after the 2008 presidential election, continues to have many fans on the right, although many Republicans consider her a lightweight. The Republican effort to effectively repeal President Obama's healthcare plan by denying funding, which gained traction over the summer, has received little publicity in recent weeks because of the debate over Syria.

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