
Lee Harvey Oswald rooming house being sold for $500,000

DALLAS, June 1 (UPI) -- A price tag of $500,000 has been slapped on a Dallas rooming house where reputed John F. Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald once lived.

Oswald had rented a room at the boarding house in 1963 before Kennedy was shot.


Pat Hall, 61, whose family has lived on the property for 70 years, is hoping the house's notoriety means it will fetch a half-million dollars and finance her retirement.

"That's what I feel will take care of me for the rest of my life," she told The Dallas Morning News. "And maybe have something to help with my grandchildren's college."

Hall's grandmother, Gladys Johnson, bought the house n 1943, the newspaper reported Friday. Oswald arrived there Oct. 14, 1963, and paid $8 a week to stay there. The last time he was in the house was Nov. 22, 1963, about a half-hour after the president was shot to death.

Hall's real estate agent, Vo Singhal, is taking inquiries through a website,, and is screening prospective buyers before they are allowed to tour the 2,047-square-foot house, which the Dallas Central Appraisal District appraised at $65,830.


No independent appraisal has been been done on the property.

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