
Obama aide counters Romney on economy

WASHINGTON, Sept. 2 (UPI) -- A senior adviser to President Obama said Americans would be a lot worse off than they were four years ago if Republican economic policies were still in effect.

David Plouffe told ABC's "This Week" Mitt Romney and the Republicans were still married to a philosophy that had the United States on the brink of a depression four years ago.


"We are going to be far worse off if Mitt Romney is elected president," Plouffe said. "And he gets a chance to enact the same economic policies that created the mess in the first place."

The U.S. economy at the time of the 2008 election became a big political question when Romney asked in his convention speech if Americans believed they were better off after four years of the Obama administration.

Plouffe said that while the economic recovery was indeed slow, things were on the right track and would be completely derailed by a radical shift sought by the Republicans.

"Mitt Romney is clearly going to make every decision through the prism of he believes that if people like him get a huge tax cut, somehow that's going to trickle down to everybody else," Plouffe maintained. "That's simply not the recipe for growth in this country."


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