
Judge scolds LA cop for movie side job

LOS ANGELES, July 21 (UPI) -- A Los Angeles judge said a police officer showed poor judgment by moonlighting as a technical adviser on a movie about a case on which he was still assigned.

Superior Court Judge Larry Fidler refused to dismiss charges against one of the defendants in the so-called bling ring case, but said the defense owed a debt of gratitude to LAPD officer Brett Goodkin.


"You should all write a thank you letter to Goodkin," Fidler told the lawyers for the trio, who are accused of breaking into the homes of celebrities in the Hollywood Hills and stealing cash, jewelry and clothing totaling some $3 million.

"You can can have a field day against his credibility," the judge said, adding Goodkin's actions "harmed the people's case."

Goodkin was one of the investigators on the case when he took a side job with Sofia Coppola, who was making a docudrama on the case called "The Bling Ring."

The defense seized upon Goodkin's role in the film and sought dismissal of the charges on the grounds of outrageous police conduct, the Los Angeles Times said.


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