
Lawmakers propose 'no tuition' plan

LANSING, Mich., Jan. 17 (UPI) -- Democrats in the Michigan Senate say they have come up with a plan to greatly lower college tuition for Michigan students by getting corporations to pay more.

Senate Democratic leader Gretchen Whitmer told The Grand Rapids (Mich.) Press that study after study emphasizes the importance of an educated work force to the economic vitality of a state.


Under the Michigan 2020 Plan, students who spend their entire K-12 years in Michigan schools and attend college in the state would be eligible for a full award that equals the median tuition level of all public universities. That figure is currently $9,575 per year.

Students who attend college outside Michigan would be eligible for a percentage of that amount.

The plan would be paid for, Senate Democrats said, by eliminating $3.5 billion in "ineffective tax loopholes that are carved out for special interest lobbyists."

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