
Rick Perry comments on climate change, Obama

BEDFORD, N.H., Aug. 17 (UPI) -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican presidential hopeful, says global warming has been "politicized" and "is more and more being put into question."

In a campaign appearance in Bedford, N.H., Perry said Wednesday he believes global warming is not taking place, The Hill reported.


"I do think global warming has been politicized," he said. "We are seeing almost weekly or even daily scientists are coming forward and questioning the original idea that man-made global warming is what is causing our climate to change.

"Yes, our climate has changed. It has been changing ever since the Earth was formed. But I do not buy into a group of scientists who have, in some cases, been found to be manipulating data.

"I don't think from my perspective that I want America to be engaged in spending that much money on still a scientific theory that has not been proven and from my perspective is more and more being put into question," Perry said.

In the same speech, Perry responded to President Barack Obama's comment on candidates needing to be careful with their words. Obama said Tuesday running for president "isn't like running for governor or running for senator or running for Congress, and you've got to be a little more careful about what you say. But I'll cut him some slack. He's only been at it for a few days now," referring to comments Perry made about Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke in Iowa.


"Yesterday the president said I needed to watch what I say," Perry said. "I'd just like to respond, if I may: Mr. President, actions speak louder than words. My actions as governor are helping to create jobs in this country. This president's actions are killing jobs in this country."

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