
Secret Service questions 13-year-old

TACOMA, Wash., May 17 (UPI) -- A Tacoma, Wash., mom says Secret Service agents questioned her 13-year-old after he suggested on his Facebook page suicide bombers might target President Obama.

Timi Robertson said the agents came to her son's middle school and did not wait for her to arrive before interrogating him, KCPQ-TV in Tacoma reported. She learned of the questioning in a call from a school security guard.


Vito LaPinta, a 7th-grader at Truman Middle School, said he apparently attracted the attention of the Secret Service with a post he made on his Facebook page after the killing of Osama bin Laden. He said the president should be careful.

He was called to the principal's office Friday.

"A man walked in with a suit and glasses and he said he was part of the Secret Service," LaPinta said. "He told me it was because of a post I made that indicated I was a threat toward the president."

Vito said the interview ended quickly when his mother showed up. The agent told him he was in the clear and left.

Tacoma school officials said they did not wait for his mother because she did not seem to be taking the call seriously. Robertson called that "a blatant lie."


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