
ACLU: Detainee deaths raise questions

WASHINGTON, Jan. 23 (UPI) -- Documents released by the U.S. military suggest there have been unreported cases of detainees being killed, the American Civil Liberties Union reports.

The group obtained 2,645 pages of documents on 190 deaths in U.S. custody, CNN said. The detainees were being held in U.S. facilities in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.


While many of the deaths were widely reported, the ACLU said its examination found instances where soldiers killed detainees without cause and were not charged or acquitted.

"So far, the documents released by the government raise more questions than they answer, but they do confirm one troubling fact: that no senior officials have been held to account for the widespread abuse of detainees. Without real accountability for these abuses, we risk inviting more abuse in the future," the ACLU said in a statement.

Lt. Col. Tanya Bradsher, a spokeswoman for the Defense Department, said the documents the ACLU received, including autopsy reports, show how seriously the military takes detainee deaths.

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