
'Stop loss' claim deadline is Oct. 21

WASHINGTON, July 28 (UPI) -- U.S. servicemembers and veterans eligible for retroactive "stop loss" pay approved by Congress in 2009 have less than three months to apply for their claims.

Personnel who served involuntarily or were on "stop loss" from Sept. 11, 2001, to Sept. 30, 2009, are due $500 for every month they served past the date of resignation, retirement or end of contract, the Defense Department said Wednesday.


The special pay schedule was passed as part of the 2009 War Supplemental Appropriations Act. The program was announced on Oct. 21, 2009, and all applications must be received by Oct. 21, 2010. Survivors of personnel who served under "stop loss" orders are also eligible for benefits.

"This additional money, this benefit, was granted by Congress to recognize that continued service," Lernes Hebert, acting director of the Defense Department's Officer and Enlisted Personnel Management office, said.

"We only have three months left for individuals to apply for this benefit. It's time to (apply) and get their application in. Notify anyone you've served with, even if they have separated, even family members of separated folks to apply."

An estimated $111 million has been disbursed to 25,000 servicemembers and veterans who worked under "stop loss," and $423 million more is waiting to be claimed.


"Congress authorized a fairly generous number, so we're not concerned about the money running out. We are concerned about individuals getting their applications in," Hebert said.

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