
Bank robber puts own name on demand note

PALM BEACH, Fla., April 30 (UPI) -- A man attempting to rob a Florida bank put a bag over his head then handed a teller a note identifying himself by name, authorities said.

Another customer in the Palm Bay, Fla., Space Coast Credit Union office noticed a teller putting money in the robber's bag, the Palm Beach Post reported Friday.


The customer, who had a concealed-weapons permit, got his gun from his car and detained Floyd Francis, 23, until police arrived, the Post said.

In the note, Francis wrote he was robbing the bank without a weapon because "I am the son of God." The note also included Francis' name and the address of his MySpace page, the newspaper said.

The hold-up note read, in part, "I am a black Muslim. I am a black Christian. I am a Black Rastafarian … Always smoke weed get high."

After his arrest, Francis told police that Jesus told him "go get money this morning, today."

In the back of a police car, Francis told officers, "You know God told me to rob this bank, so how come you're arresting me?"

On his MySpace page, Francis says he is a native of Jamaica who moved to the United States in 1996.


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