
Edwards' mistress wants sex tape

WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 (UPI) -- A court has ordered the return of an alleged sex tape to the mother of former U.S. Sen. John Edwards' out-of-wedlock daughter, CBS News reports.

Former Edwards aide Andrew Young, who once claimed to be the father of Rielle Hunter's child, said in an interview this week with ABC News that he found the tape while cleaning out a house for sale.


Young refused to turn over any material Thursday, CBS News says.

Maj. Charles Blackwood, a sheriff's deputy in Orange County in North Carolina, said the order Hunter obtained seeks "video recordings and photographs that depict matters of a private and personal nature."

In the interview, Young said Edwards was recognizable. His wife said the woman was wearing pieces of jewelry identical to Hunter's but was otherwise not recognizable.

The tape was made not long before the Iowa caucuses in the 2008 presidential campaign, Young said. Hunter was a videographer with Edwards' presidential campaign.

Young's book, "The Politician," is to be released Saturday. Edwards recently acknowledged paternity of the child and is separated from his wife Elizabeth.


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