
Pakistan tests nuclear-ready missile

ISLAMABAD, Feb. 12 (UPI) -- The Pakistani government announced it successfully tested a short-range ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear payload.

Pakistan tested its short-range Hatf IX, or Nasr, nuclear-ready missile. It has a range of about 100 miles, reports Pakistan's Dawn newspaper.


The missile was said to have so-called shoot-and-scoot capabilities, meaning it can avoid counter-fire from missile defense systems.

"Nasr has been specially designed to defeat all known Anti Tactical Missile Defense Systems," Sawn said.

The Pakistani government expressed its support for the engineering and military technology behind the launch. The Nation, a Pakistani newspaper, reported that rival New Delhi was developing a long-range system of its own that has multiple-strike capabilities.

Islamabad was criticized when it emerged in 2004 that Pakistani nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan gave North Korea information on nuclear weapons technology.

Pakistan conducted its first nuclear test in 1998.

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