
Force may be needed in Mali, ICG says

BRUSSELS, Sept. 24 (UPI) -- The International Crisis Group said a political effort is needed to resolve the crisis in Mali, though military action may be needed to address security.

The central Malian government in Bamako agreed to host 3,000 members of a military unit backed by the Economic Community of West African states, the BBC reports. Mali was split when rebel forces, some of which aligned with al-Qaida, claimed control over the north of the country following a coup early this year.


The International Crisis Group warned that, without a series of "rapid, firm and coherent" decisions from regional leaders, the situation in Mali will deteriorate.

Some leaders in Bamako had expressed reservation about the ECOWAS unit, saying it was the responsibility of the government to address internal security issues.

ICG warned another coup was possible given the protracted conflict in Mali, however. It said force may be necessarily to "neutralize" those rebel forces that pose a threat to the country's territorial integrity.

Before resorting to force, however, the ICG said political efforts are needed to address internal divisions in the country as well as collective security concerns across the region.


"The next six months will be crucial for the stability of Mali, Sahel and the entire West African region, as the risks are high and the lack of leadership at all levels of decision-making has so far been obvious," the briefing read.

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