
Beirut urged to maintain security

MOSCOW, May 22 (UPI) -- Lebanese authorities are called on to show restraint as political violence from neighboring Syria spills over their borders, the Kremlin said.

"Moscow is seriously concerned over the rise of public discontent in Lebanon," a statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry said, RIA Novosti reports. "We are calling on Lebanese politicians to show restraint and high patriotic responsibility in this uneasy moment both for the country and for the region."


Conflict flared up between pro- and anti-Syrian factions in northern Lebanon this week. Fighting was also reported in the Lebanese capital between rival political factions, Future Movement and the Arab Movement.

Future Movement is led by former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, whose father and former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was assassinated allegedly by Hezbollah in 2005. Hezbollah leaders in the Lebanese government said Future Movement attacks in Beirut were a violation of Lebanon's "sanctity," The Daily Star newspaper in Lebanon reports.

At least three people were killed and another 15 were injured during the five-hour gunfight in Beirut.

Syrian forces played a dominant rule in Beirut before the Cedar Revolution in 2005 loosened their grip. Conflict in Syria is entering its second year. The United Nations hasn't been able to pass a Security Council resolution on Syria because of concerns by Moscow the situation could led to full-scale war.


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