
Afghan insurgents hand over weapons

KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 10 (UPI) -- The decision by 25 members of the Afghan insurgency to hand over their weapons is a sign the country is on the right path, an Afghan governor said.

A group of insurgents handed over their weapons to a military unit led by Afghan intelligence services taking part in a reintegration program under way in the country.


The militants handed over a batch of assault rifles, machine guns and grenade launchers in exchange for information on reintegration programs in Badghis province, NATO said.

Badghis Gov. Dilbar Jan Arman Shinwari was quoted as saying the reintegration effort was a step in the right direction for his country.

"Acts like this are a clear demonstration that the path we're taking is the correct one towards reconstruction and progress in Afghanistan," he said.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai outlined a series of measures this year meant to persuade members of the insurgency to join the political process.

Meanwhile, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told delegates in Madrid that terrorists would find no safe haven in Afghanistan.

"The goal is to see the Afghans become the masters in their own house," he added.


Spain has more than 1,500 troops taking part in operations in western Afghanistan.

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