
Security strategy needs adequate funding

WASHINGTON, Aug. 11 (UPI) -- The U.S. national security strategy must be supported with a budget recognizing all of the strategy's aspects, the Center for American Progress reported Monday.

The Washington-based think tank said the United States needs not only integrated national security but also adequate funding for all the policy's objectives.


The report said objectives of the Homeland Security Department have suffered from a stream of organizational changes and management turnover, among other problems.

The report calls for a quadrennial homeland security review to assess transnational terrorist threats and what is needed to keep the United States safe.

"The quadrennial homeland security review should attempt to calculate how much is being spent on homeland security below the federal level so that the importance of federal support can be properly assessed," the release said.

The Center for American Progress also called for a restructuring of the more than 80 congressional committees and subcommittees that it says inhibit the "development of comprehensive approaches to homeland security."

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