
GOP: Time for healthcare 'reset' button

WASHINGTON, Sept. 5 (UPI) -- The "reset button" needs to be pressed on healthcare reforms being "imposed upon" the American people, a Republican congressman says.

Rep. John Kline of Minnesota, speaking Saturday in the GOP's response to President Barack Obama's weekly radio and Internet address, said: "It's time to press the 'reset' button'" on "healthcare reform (that) is being imposed upon (Americans), rather than developed with them."


Saying Americans are right to be frightened and confused about the Democratic reforms, Kline said hardworking families were being kept in the dark and asserted the costs of the measures will mean more job losses.

"Democrats have crafted this legislation behind closed doors, creating a partisan blueprint that -- at last count -- clocked in at more than 1,000 pages. It's complicated, it's convoluted and it's quite simply not going to work," he said.

Kline said Democrats have rejected overtures on a GOP proposal "designed to make health care more affordable, reduce the number of uninsured Americans, and increase quality at a price our country can afford."

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