
Obama change message resonates, poll finds

UTICA, N.Y., June 19 (UPI) -- U.S. voters, especially younger ones, say they believe President Barack Obama is living up to his promise to deliver change, a poll indicated.

The Zogby-Scoop44 poll found nearly two-thirds of voters under 30 polled said Obama's change message has matched his work in the White House, and among those 18-24, 70 percent said they believed this.


Among voters over 30, slightly more than one in four said they don't believe Obama's campaign promises translated into action in office, the poll found. Only 18 percent of those younger than 30 and 5 percent of 18-to-24-year-olds said they shared that view.

The poll found 43 percent of Republicans said they believe Obama's actions are in keeping with his promised change.

Zogby and Scoop44, the Web site geared toward young voters, also looked at differences in perception by gender, religion and income.

Two of three women said they believe Obama is keeping his promise of change, compared with 56 percent of men. Most Catholics, Protestants and Evangelical Christian voters agree Obama has brought change but nearly one third of Catholics and Evangelical Christians and a fourth of Protestants "completely disagree."


The poorest voters are mostly likely to agree Obama's actions match his promise. But those with household incomes of $35,000-$50,000 are most likely to believe there's a disconnect between the president's promise and his actions.

The interactive survey of 4,369 people nationwide was conducted June 12-15 and carries a margin of error of 1.5 percentage points.

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