
Senate Democrats ahead in fundraising

WASHINGTON, April 17 (UPI) -- Reports filed with the Federal Election Commission indicate Democrats in the U.S. Senate are raking in contributions at a rapid clip for the 2010 election.

First-quarter filings reveal that even incumbents considered to be vulnerable are pulling in more than their potential GOP challengers, The Washington Times reported Friday.


In Kentucky, Democrat Lt. Gov. Daniel Mongiardo raised $429,552 in his bid to unseat GOP incumbent Sen. Jim Bunning whose first-quarter haul was $263,000.

Fundraising for Missouri's U.S. Senate seat has Democrat Secretary of State Robin Carnahan taking in $1 million compared to Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., who collected $542,000.

Republican National Committee spokesman Todd Irons says Democrats' early lead may reflects donors eagerness for access to power in Washington.

"I wouldn't read too much into it," Irons said. "It is still a long way from 2010."

Republicans who fared well were Rep. Mark Kirk of Illinois, who raised nearly $700,000, and Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana who took in $733,000.

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