
Wolf escapes from zoo enclosure

DEVON, England, Jan. 24 (UPI) -- A wolf gnawed its way out of its enclosure at a zoo in England, officials said.

The Daily Telegraph reported Saturday that the female wolf was discovered after passersby saw her Saturday.


Zoo officials said the wolf bit her way through her wire enclosure at the Combe Martin Wildlife Park in Devon.

"During the incident, park authorities said at no time had the wolf posed any sort of threat to humans or other animals and had not been in any danger herself," said Combe Martin Wildlife Park spokesman Kat Whitehouse-Tedd said.

"We think she'd been digging, trying to get out, but she obviously couldn't because the wire goes right under the enclosure, so she chewed her way through," she added. "We think something must have spooked her but we don't know what."

Officials said the other two wolves in the enclosure did not attempt to escape. Whitehouse-Tedd said the female wolf was pacing the outside of the enclosure when staff found her.

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