
No inauguration show for school district

KELLER, Texas, Jan. 14 (UPI) -- A school official in Keller, Texas, says her district has decided not to show its students the inauguration of U.S. President-elect Barack Obama.

Deana Lopez, district assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, said there are no plans to disrupt students' normal curriculum to broadcast the inauguration in district classrooms next Tuesday, the Fort Worth (Texas) Star-Telegram said Wednesday.


"We're not going to view it. We're just going to stick to our instructional program," Lopez said. "Because there is so much technology and media coverage, we feel that students will be able to go home and view it at home with their families."

Larry West of the teachers organization, United Educators Association, said the decision to bypass showing the Jan. 20 event could rob Keller district teachers of an ideal teaching opportunity.

"Watching a historic moment -- like a man landing on the moon -- has educational value that is greater than an hour and a half worth of curriculum. When it happens, it is a common sense of history for everyone," he told the Star-Telegram.

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