
Priests told how to be welcoming to gays

VATICAN CITY, Nov. 29 (UPI) -- The Catholic Church of England and Wales warned Roman Catholic priests against using language in their parishes that might offend gay and lesbian worshipers.

Priests have been told by their bishops not to assume that every parishioner is heterosexual, The Daily Mail reported Saturday.


"Remember that homophobic jokes and asides can be cruel and hurtful -- a careless word can mean another experience of rejection and pain," bishops said in a memo about how priests can be more welcoming to gays.

The advice to be more tolerant of homosexuality appears to be in conflict with Pope Benedict XVI's opposition to gay marriage.

But English gay rights activist Peter Tatchell said the leaflet represents a "positive initiative" that could help gay Catholics and their families, the newspaper reported.

"It's sympathetic, understanding message is a big improvement on the past homophobia of some Catholic pronouncements on homosexuality," he said.

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