
DNC rules panel to look at caucus system

DENVER, Aug. 25 (UPI) -- A Democratic National Committee panel will examine and recommend improvements for the 2012 party nominating process, the Rules Committee head reported Monday.

Included in the examination will be "role of unpledged delegates and improvements in those states that use caucuses," Sunita Leeds, co-chairwoman of the DNC Rules Committee, told Democratic National Convention participants in Denver.


The DNC opened Monday.

The Rules Committee also introduced the 2008 DNC permanent co-chairpersons, including Shirley Franklin, Atlanta mayor; Leticia Van de Putte, Texas state senator; Kathleen Sebelius, Kansas governor; and Rep,. Nancy Pelosi, D.-Calif., speaker of the House.

"I think it's wonderful that our convention is being lead by these remarkable women," said Mary Rose Oakar, Rules Committee co-chairwoman.

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