
Enslaved couple files racketeering suit

MUTTONTOWN, N.Y., July 23 (UPI) -- Two Indonesian women allegedly enslaved by a wealthy Long Island, N.Y., couple have filed a suit asking for millions of dollars under racketeering standards.

A federal filing Tuesday argued that the women, identified only as Enung and Samirah, deserve potential tripling of damages suffered at the hands of Varsha Sabhnani and her husband, Mahender. They had operated a multimillion-dollar perfume business out of their home where the women were allegedly tortured and forced to work up to 24-hours-a-day, Newsday reported Wednesday.


Criminal convictions of the couple are under appeal. Varsha Sabhnani is facing a sentence of 11 years in prison while Mahender faces 3 years and 4 months imprisonment. The Sabhnanis have also forfeited their home, valued at approximately $2 million, and been ordered to pay a total of $930,000 in back wages to Enung and Samirah.

But attorneys for the Indonesian women argue they deserve more.

"This civil suit gives them the chance to finally assert their rights after years of severe torment, physical abuse, degradation and exploitation," said Ivy Suriyopas, an attorney with the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund in Manhattan.


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