
Orphanage victims' remains believed burned

ST. CLEMENT, Jersey, July 14 (UPI) -- An investigators' report in the Jersey orphanage abuse case claims evidence indicates children's bodies were incinerated to keep the abuse secret.

Detectives searching the Haut de la Garenne orphanage, which was closed in 1986, are said to have "compelling evidence" that children's remains were placed in a furnace and swept into soil floors, The Daily Telegraph reported.


The case is one of the largest abuse investigation in British history with 160 or more potential victims and 40 possible suspects. Jersey is one of the Channel Islands.

The report, still being developed, claims the charred remains of children were swept into the soil floors of four cellars under the orphanage after they were incinerated, laying undiscovered for decades, a source familiar with the report told the British newspaper.

Forensic scientists searching the cellars said they discovered 65 baby teeth and up to 100 bone fragments they say appear to have been burned. An intact adenoid bone from a child's ear also was reportedly found.

The source told the Telegraph detectives have "no doubt" that "children were murdered in the home."

However, police have had difficulty identifying which children were missing because no records were kept.


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