
Shirt on Czech statue warns of red menace

PRAGUE, Czech Republic, March 31 (UPI) -- A landmark statue in Prague is being clad in an anti-communist shirt by an artist who wants to remind young Czechs about the perils of totalitarianism.

Michal Gregorini told The Prague Daily Monitor that he would like to see other artists follow his lead and create anti-communist pieces that will appeal to a younger generation that had no direct experience with a communist regime.


The statue of Medieval Hussite lead Jan Zizka has a T-shirt printed with the slogan: "I don't want to be responsible for a new totality."

Gregorini said he was concerned that "Bolshevik arrogance" was making a political comeback in the Czech Republic that could eventually pose a threat to democracy.

"We are concerned about our political elites obeying the will of the Communists more and more frequently and so, in fact, preparing the grounds for their return to power," he told the newspaper.

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