
Clinton, Obama make huge media buys

NEW YORK, Feb. 3 (UPI) -- Democratic presidential contenders Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton reportedly are spending unprecedented millions on TV spots going into Super Tuesday.

The two politicians are spending a combined $19 million ahead of the presidential nominating contests, The New York Times reported Sunday.


Obama, the senator from Illinois, has spent $10.9 million on television spots in the states where voting will take place Tuesday. Clinton, senator from New York, meanwhile, has spent about $8 million.

Between the two rivals, they have spent at least $1.3 million a day for the last week on TV advertising in Super Tuesday states, according to Evan Tracey, chief operating officer of the Campaign Media Analysis Group.

By comparison, the entire field of presidential hopefuls, Democrats and Republicans, spent a total of $43 million in Iowa and $32 million in New Hampshire ahead of those states' nominating contests, according to the Wisconsin Advertising Project.

Although the newspaper cites no hard numbers for the Republican candidates, it estimates Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., was spending about $1 million and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney was shelling out about $2 million.


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