
$6 million for victim of pigeon poop fall

NEW YORK, Dec. 24 (UPI) -- A New York man who injured his back and neck after he slipped on pigeon poop and fell down the stairs at a subway station has won more than $6 million.

Shelton Stewart, who suffered two broken bones in his neck, one broken bone in his back, herniated disks and a bruise to his spinal cord in the Sept. 21, 1998, fall, successfully sued New York City Transit and won $6.13 million, the New York Post reported Monday.


Stewart, who spent five years re-learning how to stand, walk, dress himself and other routine activities after the fall, said the money will likely go toward buying himself a house and taking his two daughters and grandchild to Disney World.

Stewart lawyer Robert Genis blamed the transit authority for failing to take action against the birds or their hazardous droppings.

"The (transit authority) was doing absolutely nothing to get rid of the pigeons" or their poop, Genis said.

Genis said New York City Transit has indicated its intention to appeal the decision.

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