
Mukasey: Waterboarding 'repugnant'

WASHINGTON, Oct. 31 (UPI) -- U.S. attorney general nominee Michael Mukasey said Tuesday the interrogation technique known as waterboarding is "repugnant" to him but didn't label it illegal.

The retired federal judge said in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he wasn't able to define the dunking of prisoners to simulate drowning as torture because he had not been briefed on details of the interrogation method, The New York Times reported. But he did say waterboarding and other such techniques "seem over the line or, on a personal basis, repugnant to me," the newspaper said.


Mukasey, who is seeking Senate approval of his nomination, said he would review the legality of such methods if confirmed.

Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said he remains "very concerned" Mukasey "finds himself unable to state unequivocally that waterboarding is illegal and below the standards and values of the United States."

But a Republican committee member, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, said he thought Mukasey "did himself some good with this letter. He helped his cause with me.”

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