
Dem fundraiser shady deals detailed

WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 (UPI) -- Financial records have begun to shed light on the shady dealings of Norman Hsu, the disgraced fundraiser for several top Democratic Party figures.

Hsu, who has raised more than $1 million for Democrats, recently fled authorities after he was taken to court over a felony grand theft conviction for which he had pleaded no contest in 1992.


The phony industrialist’s dark past has been particularly embarrassing for Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, who received hundreds of thousands of dollars in bundled donations put together by Hsu.

Financial records obtained by The New York Times for one month in 2003 reveal that Hsu's company, Components Ltd., existed only on paper.

The records also showed that several individuals wired large sums of money to Hsu, which he bundled as campaign contributions, and then he sent money back to them. The exchange of funds could be significant, the newspaper said, if it turns out that Hsu was illegally reimbursing campaign donors for their contributions.

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