
Pastor's prostitute takes on new role

BOULDER, Colo., Aug. 12 (UPI) -- The male prostitute who exposed a sex and drug scandal involving Colorado preacher Ted Haggard is set to make his stage debut in Boulder.

Mike Jones, 50, revealed last October that he had used methamphetamine and conducted had a sexual relationship with Haggard, who at the time was pastor of the New Life megachurch in Colorado Springs, Colo.


Jones is set to debut Thursday at the Boulder International Fringe Festival in “Porridge,” a play about three Gulf War Marines who “go AWOL after being exposed to friendly-fire nerve gas in an all-base orgy,” playwright Brian Bauman told The Denver Post.

Bauman said he was moved to add Jones’ role -- Private Ed -- to the play after reading his book "I Had to Say Something: The Art of Ted Haggard's Fall,” in which Jones describes encounters with military men who felt they had to hide their homosexuality.

The playwright said he felt sorry for the way Jones was treated by many members of Colorado’s gay community -- who blame him for the defeat of a ballot measure allowing basic rights for same-sex couples.


Jones went public about his relationship with Haggard just six days before the election.

He is not sure what his next undertaking will be, he said.

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