
Reading aloud hard for many parents

LONDON, July 24 (UPI) -- A British survey finds about 10 percent of parents have trouble reading bedtime stories to their children.

Learndirect, an organization promoting adult learning, said mathematics appears to be even more troublesome for parents, The Guardian reported. About one-third of the 1,000 parents questioned said they have trouble helping children with math homework, especially fractions and percentages.


While 12 percent of those surveyed said they have difficulty understanding books they read their children, an even larger percentage, 23 percent, acknowledged they sometimes skip passages or substitute words while they are reading. About 20 percent have trouble helping children with English homework.

The organization suggests reading aloud can be a learning experience for both parent and child. Learndirect has begun distributing "Where Did The River Go?," a mystery book with math and language puzzles that must be figured out to solve the overall mystery.

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