
Utah joins group to cut greenhouse gases

SALT LAKE CITY, May 22 (UPI) -- California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger chided the federal government for inaction on climate change as he welcomed Utah into a multi-state action group.

Schwarzenegger and Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. held a joint news conference to announce that Utah is joining the "Western Regional Climate Action Initiative," The Salt Lake City Tribune reported. Six states and the Canadian province of British Columbia are now in the group.


"It sends a very clear message to the federal government: We are forming this partnership because of the lack of leadership from the federal government," Schwarzenegger said.

The group's plans include setting up a system to measure greenhouse gases and setting reduction goals for each state and the region as a whole.

Schwarzenegger said while he and Huntsman are Republicans, the other governors in the western group are Democrats and the issue is non-partisan.

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