
Sept. 11 immigrant volunteers suffer

NEW YORK, Oct. 8 (UPI) -- The group of volunteers who developed health problems from helping out at Ground Zero after Sept. 11, includes a number of illegal immigrants.

Many illegal immigrants who saw the towers fall in the terror attacks and were moved to help are suffering debilitating conditions, mainly respiratory illnesses, the Washington Post reported. One immigrant told the Post that upon arriving at Ground Zero, he was asked no questions and went right to work with other Spanish-speaking volunteers.


Immigration advocates claim that thousands of illegal immigrants who lack health insurance rolled up their sleeves to help in the disaster.

However, the backlash against the wave of illegal immigrants persuaded authorities to change DMV laws, preventing illegal immigrants from obtaining a photo ID that would allow them to work. Now, many are reportedly out of work and have no insurance.

Mike Cutler, who tracked down illegal immigrants for the Immigration and Naturalization Service, said that while he feels badly for illegal immigrants who got sick working at Ground Zero, a blanket amnesty cannot be granted.

"You would wind up with millions and millions of people saying they worked at Ground Zero," he said.


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