
'Salt poisoner' to be featured on TV show

EDINBURGH, Scotland, Sept. 21 (UPI) -- A Scottish woman convicted of poisoning her daughter with salt has agreed to take an experimental lie detector test for a television show.

Quickfire Media plans to use real people for "Truth Lab," The Scotsman reported. The new method, developed in the United States, uses MRI scanning of the brain and is supposed to be far more reliable than the polygraph machine.


"I have said yes to doing the test -- if it makes a difference then it's got to be worth it," Susan Hamilton of Edinburgh told the newspaper. "But I have had to think about it because I'm not the kind of person who wants all that attention."

Hamilton spent more than two years in prison before being released eight months ago. She plans to appeal her conviction, which was based partly on testimony from a since-discredited psychiatric expert -- who testified that she had Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy, in which parents, usually mothers, make their children sick to get attention.

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