
Shin Bet: Palestinian missile smuggling up

JERUSALEM, Aug. 29 (UPI) -- Israel's security agency says Palestinian terror groups, studying the recent conflict in Lebanon, are stepping up smuggling of long-range missiles.

Yuval Diskin, head of Shin Bet, told foreign and defense affairs committees that these groups are studying the recently ended Lebanon conflict to look for Israel's weak points, reports the Jerusalem Post.


He said these groups are trying to bring experts who can build and launch the long-range missiles against Israel.

One Likud party member responded by saying, "Every kind of weapon is getting into the Gaza Strip, and Hamas is establishing a terrorist army. It is no longer possible to say they didn't warn us."

Diskin also told the committee his agency offered to help the Israeli Defense Forces with investigative services during the war but that the offer was turned down, the report said.

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