
Hamas leader blames Palestinians

GAZA, Aug. 29 (UPI) -- The spokesman for the Palestinian Hamas government has said in a newspaper article that his fellow Palestinians are to blame for much of the problems in Gaza.

Ghazi Hamad said in his article in the Al Ayyam newspaper that "Gaza is suffering under the yoke of anarchy and the swords of thugs," The New York Times reported Tuesday.


"Life became a nightmare and an intolerable burden," he said, after the optimism from the Israeli pullout last year faded. He said the joy that followed the departure of the Israelis "made us forget the most important question -- what is our next step?"

Hamad steered away from criticizing the Palestinian government, focusing instead on armed groups in Gaza, particularly those associated with Hamas' rival, Fatah.

"We've all been attacked by the bacteria of stupidity," Hamad wrote. "We have lost our sense of direction." He requested that armed groups "please have mercy on Gaza. Have mercy on us from your demagogy, chaos, guns, thugs, infighting. Let Gaza breathe a bit. Let it live."

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