
Defamation rocks Massachusetts town

MILFORD, Mass., March 31 (UPI) -- The park commissioner in Milford, Mass., refused to resign after allegedly saying Hitler's ovens had been turned "off too soon" for one Jewish town official.

Park Commissioner Reno Baci, 80, had been standing in front of a small group of officials during an inspection of the soon-to-be home of the Park Department office earlier this month.


"There was no one laughing. I was shocked he said it," said WMRC-1490 AM radio News Director Ed Thompson who was also at the site.

Building Inspector Anthony DeLuca heard the comment and wrote a memo to Town Administrator Louis Celozzi.

The alleged anti-Semitic remark, aimed at Finance Committee Chairman Marc Schaen, has drawn the attention of Milford Police and the Anti-Defamation League.

Schaen said the remarks felt as if someone painted a swastika on his house.

"That's what it feels like," he said. "I'm not going to stand for it."

Baci, who has been park commissioner for 47 years, said one "unfortunate" and "stupid" remark should not cost him his post.

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