
Warner says Bush withheld facts

WASHINGTON, Jan. 15 (UPI) -- Virginia Gov. Mark Warner believes U.S. President George W. Bush withheld information from Congress regarding wiretapping.

In an interview on ABC News' "This Week with George Stephanopoulos," Warner was asked if he believed Bush broke the law when he ordered the National Security Agency to conduct domestic wiretapping. He said it appeared Bush "did not come fully forward to all of the members of Congress in relaying what he was going to do. ... I don't think the president went as far as he should in terms of disclosing to Congress."


Warner -- who is widely regarded as a potential candidate for the Democratic nomination for president -- said the United States should not set an "arbitrary timetable" for withdrawing from Iraq.

"And I do hope that we see in the aftermath of the Iraqi elections a stable, democratic Iraq where the Iraqi people feel engaged in the future of their own country," he said.

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