
Muslims riot outside church in Egypt

ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, Oct. 22 (UPI) -- One man was killed after thousands of rioters rushed a Coptic church in Egypt complaining of an anti-Islam message in a church play.

Police used tear gas and arrested dozens of the 5,000 protesters after they assembled outside the St. George's Church in Alexandria Friday, the BBC reports.


The man was found trampled after inhaling tear gas.

The Coptic community, the Christian orthodox church of Egypt, make up between 5 percent and 10 percent of the population.

The play in question, called "I Once Was Blind But Now I See," is a tale of a Copt who is almost killed by Islamist militants. It was staged at the church in 2003.

Church leaders say the play isn't a knock in Islam, but criticizes the dangers of religious extremism.

A nun was stabbed Wednesday by a Muslim man protesting a DVD of the play.

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