
Armstrong says more cancer funding needed

WASHINGTON, Aug. 14 (UPI) -- Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong said America needs to devote more resources to the fight against cancer.

Speaking on ABC's "This Week," Armstrong said the war on cancer the Nixon Administration declared in 1971 is not being won. He said federal money spent elsewhere should be devoted to cancer research.


"I think we could spend our money in different places ... (and) where it matters to the American people," he said. "I'm not saying that spending money on wars and terrorism is a bad thing. But there are a lot of things that the federal government spends their money on. This is one of the few years where (the health institutes) have not had more money."

Lung cancer in particular has been in the news recently with the death last week of ABC News anchor Peter Jennings and the diagnosis of Christopher Reeve's widow Dana.

Armstrong is part of the president's panel on cancer. His "Livestrong" foundation has raised more than $85 million for cancer research and prevention.

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