
Bush endorses teaching intelligent design

WASHINGTON, Aug. 3 (UPI) -- U.S. President George Bush reignited debate over evolution by advocating teaching concept of intelligent design in schools.

That view promotes the idea that an unseen force is behind the development of humanity. Scientists claim intelligent design has no supporting evidence and is an attempt to introduce religion to students.


Bush, in remarks to a group of Texas newspaper reporters, said he favored balancing intelligent design with evolution, the Washington Post reported Wednesday.

"Both sides ought to be properly taught ... so people can understand what the debate is about," he said. "You're asking me whether or not people ought to be exposed to different ideas, and the answer is 'yes.'"

In comments published last year in Science magazine, Bush said the federal government should not tell states or school boards what to teach but that "scientific critiques of any theory should be a normal part of the science curriculum."

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