
Blogger who found Rather error celebrates

ATLANTA, March 10 (UPI) -- The Atlanta attorney who first spotted problems with the CBS report that led to anchor Dan Rather's departure says he is delighted with the result.

Harry McDougald held a party at his home Wednesday night for about 50 guests to celebrate Rather's last appearance as a news anchor, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported Thursday.


"For conservatives, he's been a black beast. In conservative circles, Dan Rather has been viewed as an enemy," said the conservative blogger, known as Buckhead.

McDougald is credited with being the first to notice Rather used forged documents in a "60 Minutes" story Sept. 8 that questioned President Bush's National Guard service.

He noticed the proportional spacing and the type face on the document could not have been produced on a 1970s typewriter. Many others joined him in the next several days.

Rather at first denied the document he was given was a forgery, but later apologized.

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