
Mass wedding part of Freedom to Marry Day

HOUSTON, Feb. 12 (UPI) -- The mass wedding of some 100 to 200 gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender couples Saturday in a Texas church might not be legal, but it will be symbolic.

The mass wedding is part of the national Freedom to Marry Day campaign to gain for gays and lesbians the rights granted married heterosexuals, reported the Houston Chronicle.


The couples will be married in a ceremony at Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church, which ministers to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities. And clergy from a number of Houston churches will also participate.

"This is going to be a real celebration of same-sex couples," said the Rev. Chris Chiles of Community Gospel Church, coordinator of the pre-Valentine's Day ceremony.

"We know that we're not only making a commitment publicly, and asking God's blessing of the union, but that we are making a statement which is going to be changing the face of the country."

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