
6,500 soldiers' tour in Iraq extended

WASHINGTON, Oct. 30 (UPI) -- About 6,500 soldiers in Iraq have been ordered by the Pentagon to extend their tours, in preparation for the January elections in Iraq, officials said.

The New York Times reported Saturday that some 3,500 members of the Second Brigade of the First Cavalry Division will stay two months longer in Iraq than initially ordered, and about 3,000 soldiers assigned to headquarters and support units of the First Infantry Division will have their tours extended by up to three weeks.


The soldiers whose departures are delayed will still leave Iraq before their 12-month deployment limit.

Pentagon and military officials also said Friday that no other extensions have been approved, and no units now preparing for Iraq duty have been ordered to leave earlier.

If Gen. John P. Abizaid, commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East, requested more troops, the Third Infantry Division, which led the drive to Baghdad during the war and is scheduled to return to Iraq in January, could speed up its deployment, officials said.

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