
Bush defends econ policies

MASON CITY, Iowa, Oct. 20 (UPI) -- U.S. President George Bush touted job creation and farm-friendly administration policies during a hard day of campaigning in a key battleground states.

Speaking in Mason City, Iowa, Wednesday before heading to Minnesota and Wisconsin, Bush reminded voters about an inherited recession and stock market decline and his promise to help bring about recovery through tax cuts that would benefit all.


"I kept my word," he said. "The results are clear. The recession was one of the shallowest in American history. Over the last three years our economy has grown at rates as fast as any in nearly 20 years ... in the past 13 months we've created more than 1.9 million new jobs. The unemployment rate in America is 5.4 percent ... farm income is up."

Bush said he was pursuing an energy strategy that encourages conservation and was phasing out the death tax to help farmers keep their property from generation to generation.

Kerry, on the other hand, had repeatedly voted to raise taxes, Bush said, and had voted to tax Social Security payments.

Bush also attacked Kerry on Iraq and the war on terror.


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