
DNC kicks off anti-Bush service campaign

WASHINGTON, Sept. 14 (UPI) -- The Democratic National Committee launched what it calls Operation Fortunate Son Tuesday, a campaign to impeach President Bush's military service record.

The campaign, which uses a specially commissioned videotape as well as veterans as surrogate speakers, is intended to continue to cast doubt on the president's record of service in the Texas Air National Guard. The videotape, which includes snippets of the CBS "60 Minutes II" interview with former Texas Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes, is scheduled to be shown at more than 30 events in 21 battleground states over the balance of the week, DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe said.


The veterans acting as party surrogates, the DNC said, will travel the country to generate public calls for Bush to answer "five specific questions about his military service," including whether he or his campaign can produce "any credible witness" to attest to his having continued to serve in the guard once he transferred to Alabama.

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